Snyffr matches
Matches per minute
30.5 k
19 K
1 K
Satisfied Users
Items in our marketplace
the vision
Connect like never before
We aim to build a trusted social platform that is completely personalised for the user from the ground up, which combines the best of the multitude of social medias already on offer in one easy package.
From people to items, we want to take away the time you spend searching and do it for you, making sure we give you just the right match for your needs.
Some of
Our features
Add cards from the four categories of Traits, Skills, Interests and Assets which best reflect what you want to be snyffed for.
snyff for your needs
Choose what you want to look for and Snyffr will actively snyff out any potential matches even when your phone is away.
Scan items with advanced ai recognition
Snyffr can recognize items which you photograph and intend to sell, automatically giving you its description and suggested price point.
snyffr voice and mobile app
The new social media
all in one
Tell Snyffr by voice or mobile what you like and need, put your voice assistant or phone away let the app do all the searching for you to let you get on with your life!
Snyffr will instantly notify you via voice or mobile notifications of any matches that you have come across during your day, updating to your location in real time.
Whether it's looking for a job, like-minded people, love or to sell your stuff, Snyffr is the one stop shop for connecting with people.
ai photo recognition
privacy & safety
A streamlined selling process with advanced AI that recognizes your item and fills in key information about it.
Push yourself to be more visible to others or increase your search radius until you find your perfect match.
The app will only reveal your match, nothing on yourself or your exact location.
FIND WORK or a skill
Are you a graphic designer looking for work? How would you know if you might have possible clients living a few doors down? Perhaps you are looking for a someone to clean your windows in your conservatory? Snyffr is constantly looking for new opportunities for you wherever you are, and using it's simple card matching system, will notify once it finds the person you need.
Are you a parent who has a storage of old toys that never see the light of day? Snyffr lets you photograph each item, and uses its AI to automatically label and value them. This means you can immediately get in touch with other parents in your vicinity, who may be looking for what you no longer need. Snyffr will also work with schools so you can donate some of the proceeds if you wish.
FIND the perfect match
Ever wondered if you had passed by your perfect match on your way to work? In Snyffr you can be as specific as 'blonde with an interest in mystery books and art' or as general as 'man/woman in their 30s'. The great thing is that any potential match will always be near to where you are at that given moment so there's even less excuses of meeting up!
join a local choir
You're new in town and love to sing. You used to be in a choir and want to find out if there are any near to you where you can meet like minded people passionate about singing. You put the cards 'singining' and 'choir' and ping! you get an instant notification that your neighbour is actually part of the local choir.
The future of connecting
Snyffr is the voice first mobile app that passively searches for whatever you need, wherever you are, in real time.